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The Woman Behind the Stove

Documentary Cooking Series


In a 1979 interview, world famous French chef Paul Bocuse said he would rather a woman in his bed than behind the stove of one of his restaurants.


These women chose the stove.



“To fully embrace these women and their achievements is to correct the course of a journey gone adrift, turning back toward truth. Their stories are a cautionary tale of what we stand to lose, reminding us of just how vital the search is for other women that need to be known.”

-Eater Magazine (Blog)









The Woman Behind the Stove is a three-part documentary series that honors the women who have shaped the culinary world. The premier season highlights trailblazers such as Eugénie Brazier, the first chef to hold six Michelin stars simultaneously; Edna Lewis, a James Beard Award winner who transformed American perceptions of authentic Southern cooking; and Fu Pei-mei, a renowned Taiwanese chef and TV host who blended food with cultural storytelling, introducing the world to Chinese cuisine. Each episode features contemporary chefs from around the world who recreate the iconic dishes that defined these women’s legacies. As they cook, the remarkable lives of these culinary pioneers come into focus, reminding us of the importance of remembering those who came before us.


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The Woman Behind the Stove est une série documentaire en trois parties qui rend hommage aux femmes qui ont façonné le monde culinaire. La première saison met en lumière des pionnières telles qu'Eugénie Brazier, première chef à détenir six étoiles Michelin simultanément ; Edna Lewis, lauréate du James Beard Award, qui a transformé la perception américaine de la cuisine authentique du Sud ; et Fu Pei-mei, célèbre chef taïwanaise et animatrice de télévision qui a mêlé la cuisine à la narration culturelle, faisant découvrir la cuisine chinoise au monde entier. Chaque épisode met en scène des chefs contemporains du monde entier qui recréent les plats emblématiques qui ont défini l'héritage de ces femmes. Pendant qu'ils cuisinent, les vies remarquables de ces pionnières culinaires sont mises en lumière, nous rappelant l'importance de se souvenir de ceux qui nous ont précédés.


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